Friday 15 July 2016


                            CAUSE OF SEXUAL WEAKNESS                                                                                  sexual weakness otherwise known as weak erection, at some point in a mans life he may be difficulty acheiving or maintaining an erection problems occur when you cant achieve or maintain an erection that is firm enough to have sexual Intercourse. for most men, this problem occur occassionally and isnt a serious issue with intake of natural proving HERBS However, if u are unable to achieve an erection one quarter of the time or more you May have health problem that require attention,erection problems are also known as Erectile Dyfunction, impotence, sexual weakness usually lead to infidelity in marriage and other form of serious relationship, any man that is weak sexual would never be happy to himself despite series of achievement he might have recorded in life
People belive getting erection stimulant could give them a lasting Solution to their sexual weakness. Erection stimulant could worsent their situation because it consists synthetic chemical which could damage the vein that lead to testis . if you fall into this go for proven indegenous herbs

Monday 30 May 2016


Epilepsy is a disorder that disrupts the transmission of electrical signals inside the brain. While it is more common in childhood, and after 65, epilepsy can develop in any age.

All function of the brain is enabled by electrical impulses that traveled between nerve cells (neurons).

An EPILEPTIC SEIZURE occurs when the nerve cells in the brain generate sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity. Normal communication between nerve cells becomes confused. Our thoughts, feelings, or movement becomes uncontrolled for a short period of time.


·         Structural abnormalities in the developing brain.

·         Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis

·         Lack of oxygen to the brain after a stroke

·         Head injuries, causing scar tissue in the brain

·         Tumor

·         Degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s

·         Family history of seizures

·         Use of certain drugs and excessive alcohol

·         Spiritual attack

Partial seizure can cause a staring spell or loss of awareness for a short period of time. Only a specific part of the brain is affected

Generalized seizures results from abnormal activity affecting both hemispheres of the brain.  In tonic-clonic seizures (fits), the person goes unconscious, fall over, and muscle jerk rhythmically. Other generalized seizures may present with subtle body movement and lapses of awareness.





An Electroencephalogram (EEG), measures the electrical activity in the brain through electrodes applied to the scalp. This test can help to confirm the diagnosis of seizures or epilepsy. Some blood test, and a CT or MRI scan may also be helpful for the diagnosis.


Drugs do not cure epilepsy but most seizures can be cure completely by,our fore father proven herbs,which are been used in the olden days.

Herbal Therapy

This is generally considered if anti epileptic drugs are not useful and other surgical options have been ruled out. A proven herbal product called GBOGIGBOGI this herbs  sends a wide herbal spectrum  to the left vagus nerve in the neck. By stimulating the vagus nerve, the brains potential to generate abnormal seizures can be cured.while this herbal product need to be used for complete six month,for complete cure.
for information on herbal remedy for epilepsy click