Wednesday 4 November 2015

Natural living is the choice to live according to nature’s way as much as possible. Failure to do dis leads to human health will find the joy of living when you give up chemicalized,inorganically processed food and drink and stick to natural diet. The body is capable of repairing and healing itself if given the chance.
Actually, life-style is a major factor to reckon with in the aetiology(causes) of diseases and health life style the natural way is best.
The use of drugs is very dangerous because they are toxic to the system.therefore by making a complete change from old incorrect life pattern,you will be able to enjoy the true joy of living and avoid some dreadful diseases like cancer, severe infections, diabetes,heart disease, hypertension, can attain perpetual youthfulness if you try.

Broadly speaking,youth should not  refer to age in years but a state of being.some people may be truly referred to as youthful although they may be up to 90 years.people desire to reamain youthful but do not want to pay the price for keeping to natural health programme. The choice is an individual matter.He alone can decide whether he wants to live a healthly wholesome long and active life or reach a dead end soonestclick on natural proven herbs

Wednesday 28 October 2015

       ARTERIOSCLEROSIS(hardening of arteries)
:it hardening and degeneration of the arteries- a condition in which the walls of the arteries, capillaries or veins thicken up and lose is characterized by hypertension,fatigues,digestive disturbances CAUSES
-Old age
-kidney diseases
-intestinal toxins
-nervous disturbances
-deficiency of vitamins AandB


Wednesday 29 April 2015

13 rules that prevent pre mature death

              13 RULE THAT PREVENT PREMATURE DEATH -Belive in natural healing power .nature offers many herbs for human consumption.according to Eze:47:12... and their leave shall be used for healing

-Avoid intake of drugs that will fill your system with toxic substance

-Eliminating accumulated and excessive decaying toxic substance,such as mucus ,toxin and waste product from body system.

-Eat small meals as overfed will harden his arteries,wreck his liver,stomach is sick,constipated e.t.c

-Eat 3or 4 times a day.first meals should be at 12noon.

-Avoid eating heavy meals after 6pm.chew food well.

-Last meals should be by 8pm.follow the pattern of how the body works

4am-12noon : elimination of body waste $debris

12am-8pm appropriation eating & digestion.

8pm-4am: assimilation absorption & use of nutrient.
-Eat fruit on empty stomach,wait for at least 20 mins before taking a meals

-Avoid overcooking especially vegetable & keeping it too long under light and heat especially vitamins B are destroyed.

-Reduce intake of salt to the minimum because, it cause water retention and loss of muscle tore: it increase risk of heart disease & hypertension:it encourage obesity, poor digestion.

- sweetner: use natural one such ,as pure honey.

-seasoning: avoid chemicalised food, stews & soup, use natural, lemongress basic (Efiris) clore (Eru)

- snacks:. avoid white flour product, sweet & chocolates eat fruit & raw vegetables life cucumber carrot & gardn egg (Igba), roasted or boiled corn (maize)for more information on proven herbs for disease/illness click

Saturday 18 April 2015


 change in menstrual cycle and ovulation maybe symptoms of a disease related to infertility. symtoms include

-irregular periods;the no of days in btw each period varies each month

-painful periods;back pain pevic pain and cramping may happen

-no period;you have never had a period or period suddenly stop

-Abnormal period;bleeding is heavier or lighter than usual.

Infertility that is related to homonal problem,symptoms are below

-skin changes


-loss of hair growth or thining hair

-weight gain

Other symptoms are

-mikly white discharge from nipple of the breast without breastfeeding

-pain during sex

-damage or blockage of fallopain tube

-endometriosis cause by  excessine grouth of lining of duterus called endometrium

-conditions affecting the uterus

-combination of factors

-age female fertility declines sharply after the age 35

-polycystic ovary syndrome[p c o s ]

-gynaccology problems such as previous ectopic pregnancy or having has more than one miscarriage

-medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, thyvoid,bowel diseases
-spiritual attack

                                               INFERTILITY IN MEN

-low sperm count or quality

-problems with the tubes carrying sperm

-problems getting an erection

-problems ejaculating

                                              OTHER FACTORS

-having had inflamed testes [orchitis]

-untreads balthnal infection that cause scarring \blocked tubes within the epididymis at it joins of vas

-having received medical such as ding treatment radiotherapy or surgery - for example  2 correct hernia undescended testes 
                                                       using anti-biotics can not help

                              use proven herbal supplement for the treatment of infertilty  
for more on herbal solution click

Friday 17 April 2015

                          ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH STATUS

Life is in danger or about to loose,if one take good health for granted. Many people only value good health only when they have lost it,they feel reluctant to spend money on natural medicine$food suppliment,which is capable of strengthening the immune system and cure some diseases.

Examine your health status from your past and present to serve as a guide to how best you can live your future.while unexamine life is not worth living.

Below are the natural means of examine your health status ,they are question designed to help you find out how healthy you are,mark

                              HEALTH STATUS QUESIONIARE

Do u consider yourself very healthy ?

(a)no          (b)fair     (c)yes

Do u think u are overweight?

(a)very          (b) alittle   (c)about right

How often do u do any exercise?

(a)never     (b)alittle       (c)about right

How many portion of fruit do u eat daily?

(a)very regular (b)one occassionally (b)more than one

How often do u eat processed food?

(a)most days  (b)three/four times a week  (c)once a week/

How much alchol do you consume weekly ?

 (a)More than7bottles a week (b)about7bottles a week (c)less than7bottles a week

What about water miniral water(soft drink)?

(a)more than 7bottles a week (b)about7 bottles a week (c)less than7bottles week

Do u smoke?

(a)yes         (b)occassionallly  (c)never

Are u always short of breath when you climb stairs?

(a)always     (b)occassionally    (c)never

How often do u feel stressed/headache?

(a)Most of the time  (b)2or3times a week (c)ever hardly

Do u eat vegetables ?

(a)never    (b)occassionally (b)daily

How many time do u go for complain in hospital?

(a)always  (b)once a month (b)occasionally

Are u receiving treatment for any health problems

(a)yes regularly(b)irregularly(c)no

If yes  what aillment?

Infection, infertility,sexual weakness,diabeties,hypertension,stroke,obesity,fibrod,hemorhodis,irregular menstr,untime menopause,chronic pile,ulcer,shortnen of sex organ

Do u use anything to treat constipation to help u to open ur bowels?

(a)regularly   (b)occasionally (c)never

Chosse and send to our e-mail       
more proven herbs to cure alliment click


Tuesday 31 March 2015

                                     CLEANSING AND DETOXIFICATION
This is the method of eliminating from the body accumulated and excessive decaying toxic substances such as mucus,toxin and waste products of digestion; thus purifying and revitalising the entire body

                                               medium of cleansing
kidneys,lungs,skin,nose,mouth for faeces, urine sweat,mucus,gas,the bowels,toxin in healthy individual.during illness the body does this through diarrhoea,vomitting,coughing of mucus etc the body is helped with this process by specific cleansing programme follow by natural herbs because body system can not cope with the huge amount of accumulation of of wastes generated by modern day living;i.e eating of meat, bread, sugar, chemicalised food,additive,processed food,use of drugs, pollution,etc. when not efficiently removed there is toxicity which is a contributory factor to development of deadly diseases such as heart failure,cancer,obesity,stroke, arthritis .by this,combination of natural herbs called MURKY CLEANSER is recommended for all those who want to fully start a healthier life-style. for more information on MURKY CLEANSER click

Tuesday 24 March 2015

natural living

Natural living is the best bet way of living,any human that refrain from living a natural life prone to have health problem.if human as chosse chemical&inorganic processed food and drink intake,as is own way of life,definately such a person is liable to die young because there is always side effect on this, human body is capable of repairing and healing itself if one ahdere strictly to natural living.

Early mens use simple natural means in treat of their deases and less was the harm and the death rate was very low ,use of chemicalize drugs is very dangerous because they are toxic(poisonous)to the body system.therefore,ahdere to natural living will enable you to enjoy the true joy of living and aviod some dreadful diseases,like cancer, severe infections,diabetics,heart diseases,hypertention.did u hear about GARLIC(ayu)


-Rich in vitamins and minerals,e.g.calcium,phosphorus,potassium,

-Antioxidant;protects against cancer,hardening of arteries,normalises blood pressure.

-Antiseptic;fights infection,destroys germs

-In diabetes:reduces blood sugar

-Heart related functions:thins blood,prevent heart attack,reduces cholesterol
for more herbal products
we use garlic with other leafs&roots in production of our herbal remedy called STRIKER D






Wednesday 11 March 2015


Are you harboring some of these symptoms?: - Itching of private part, stomach noise, skin rashes, frequent urinating,  regular body temperature, waist pain back ache, bone marrow and joint pain, frequent sweetening discharge, blood stools and urinating, moving sensation round the body, painful sexual intercourse, sexual inadequacy of all sort only last for one round sex, loss of sexual urge, zero or low sperm count, blockage of woman fallopian tube, poor libido, premature ejaculation, infertility both in men and woman, scanty and painful menstrual period, impotency.

Gonorrhea, herpes syphilis, Chlamydia and staph  aurous. They are potentially dangerous to our health and our partner’s health, if its not treated at the right time with a very high effective and proven natural medicine. It cause discomfort. Lifelong complications as predispose you to acquiring HIV infections. Having been aware of the above symptoms, and you are concerned about those changes you notice in your body system, visit Dr. Smash at Centremog Herbal Research Centre@14toun femi dada srt off emmanuel b/sp ikotun lagos08068162474,0805279 4302 herbal solution for above is Dr smash proven natural medicine named PERRICON